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An Investigation of Three Different Types of Physiotherapy Treatment for Osteoarthritis of the Knees

Author :
  • Sadia Zafar
  • Anita Shahzadi
Medium to long-term findings are reviewed for the nature and application of a physical therapy based on knee osteoarthritis. In a wide population-based sample, patients who had knee pain and prevalent osteoarthritis were enrolled. Fifty patients with Osteoarthritis were treated with periodic knee bath with ultrasound, wax baths and ultrasound. To each strategy, repetitive exercises were applied. The patients were hired over a span of 15 weeks. Everyone endured discomfort, swelling, and reduced mobility. Patients were assigned to one of three care groups by a randomization code. Five evaluations were conducted by an independent investigator prior to admission into the investigation and at the end of weeks 5, 10 and 15. Regardless of the medication, statistically meaningful changes in articular index were found after five weeks. Among the dominant and non-dominant knees, there was no difference in results. All five tests demonstrated a substantial increase in all patient classes at the completion of fifteen weeks of treatment. Ultrasound at the dosage used to be little better at helping patients than wax baths.
Keywords : Osteoarthritis, Physiotherapy Treatment, 15 week period, five evaluations
Volume 1 | Issue 3